Posts tagged electric guitar
SCP #54: Wondrous Fair

This is Friday's piece, but I'm writing this on Monday morning as I had a weekend jam packed with students and gigs.  While I did (just) manage to squeeze in a new piece each day, I didn't find time to download them off my camera and upload them.  I really feel like I'm lagging behind having to upload three at once, so I'm just going to write a short post for each to try and catch up.  After all, I still have to write and record today's piece.

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SCP #48: Leaf In The Wind

This project is making me really aware of the day-to-day fluctuations in emotional and physical energy I experience, and the very real effect that energy level has on my work.  I wrote yesterday morning about feeling burnt out, which I absolutely was the day before when I was trying to work on piece #47.  Last night, however, I felt entirely the opposite.  I was refreshed, ready and excited, and looking forward to an evening by myself in my studio.  I had tidied up a bit, which definitely helped entice me into my newly neat space, and I was anticipating the enjoyment of the night's work the same way you'd anticipate the enjoyment of a party.  I even indulged the Saturday night vibe with some fairy lights.

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