SCP #85: Walnuts And Chestnuts

I spent yesterday afternoon trying to sort out a pedal/instrument setup for my gig this Thursday night with Joyce Prescher and Kerryn Fields.  While everything was plugged in I recorded this short little vocal piece, continuing with the autumnal theme of the previous piece.  I love to cook, and I love the change in produce each new season brings.  Autumn is probably my favourite time of year, and as the song says, I have been waiting for walnuts and chestnuts.

In other news, the album I recorded last year with Nathan Liow, Adam Spiegl and Justin Olsson has been nominated for an Australian Jazz Bell Award.  I figured this was a nice time to re-share it, so here's a little video I made talking about the writing and recording process.  If you'd like a copy of the album it's available to stream and purchase on Bandcamp, and I'll also have some CDs with me at Thursday's gig.